Since 2016 year the name of the highest football division in Bulgaria is changed to First Professional Football League (Parva Liga), and with the name change the rules of determining champion of Bulgaria are change too. First Professional Football League is built by 14 teams which play 26 matches in first phase of the season. Each team play one “home” and one “away” match against every other team. In second phase named play-off phase first six teams create 1st play-off, keeps the points won from first phase and starts playing two matches against each other and in the end of the 1st play-off the team with most point is the champion of Bulgaria and receive the chance to participate in qualification rounds of UEFA Champion League. The second and the third receive the right to participate in qualification rounds of UEFA Europa League. The other play-off phase named play-off phase 2 take place the teams finished 7th to 14th and they will be divided in two groups by 4 teams. They play, one “home” and one “away” match against every other team in the group, and then the leader in 1st group play against second from 2nd group and the leader form 2nd group with second from 1st group. Winner from these two matches play two matches against each other and determine, who is the winner of 2nd play-off. The winner of 2nd play-off face against the fourth team from first play-off and the winner have the right to participate in qualification round of UEFA Europa League.