Pro League
HT Probability
FT Probability
Jupiler League Pro is the highest division in Belgium football. Built by 16 teams and each team plays 30 matches, one ”home” and one “away” against each other team. After the matches end teams are entering in play-offs. The play-offs has 2 groups, 1st is Play-off 1 with first six teams ranked in season table, and play-off 2 with teams ranked 7th to 15th. The last team in season table is relegated to a lower division – Belgian First Division B, and the empty spot for the next season is taken by the team who ranked first in Belgian First Division B.
- Play-off 1 – each club starts with with ½ of the points they won during the season and play 2 matches against every other club participating in play-off 1.
- Play-off 2 – participate clubs finished 7th to 15th and top 3 teams from Belgian First Division B. The clubs are in 2 groups and the winner from two groups play a match to decide who is the winner of play-off 2.